myGP News

In the press, News

iPLATO finalists for Cervical Cancer Screening Programme award

17th May 2023

iPLATO is delighted to announce that the cervical cancer screening SMS reminder project, in partnership with NHS England (NHSE) and North of England CSU (NECS) has been shortlisted as a finalist for the “Health Inequalities through Digital” category…

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Overcoming child obesity

Think about how many times you might have used the word ‘fat’ instead of using the word ‘obese’. Hmm exactly… This is because in today’s society, obes…


Don’t worry – Be happy!

Don’t worry, stress is bad for you. Excellent advice in theory, hugely unhelpful in practice. Similar to much of the well-meaning advice we’re given f…


Ring, ring your doctor is calling…

It is no secret that most people’s interaction with the NHS is through their GP and while the overall public satisfaction with the NHS remains high, d…

Blog, Health

The Big C

Cancer. It’s a terrifying word that strikes fear into most people’s hearts, when even the smallest possibility rears its ugly head. I see it frequentl…

Flu Shot Image

The Fast and the Flu-less

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the news this winter you’ve probably heard a lot about the flu. I’ve just looked at the BBC News website and th…


New Year’s Resolutions Made Easy

Who’s made a New Year’s resolution this year? And who’s broken it already?  You’re not alone, studies show that 80% of people give up their resol…

Forgetting your medication? myGP can now help you remember and track missed doses with medication insights

What’s new in myGP 4.1? Features, Updates & Bug Fixes

Medication Insights In myGP 4.1, our medication feature has been expanded with Medication Insights. This feature allows patients to have a better…


Women power usage and uptake of myGP®

New data from leading health tech specialist, iPLATO Healthcare, has revealed that women are driving uptake and usage of smartphone apps to access hea…


Introducing Intelligent Care Navigation

iPLATO Healthcare has been awarded a contract by The Small Business Research Initiative for Healthcare (SBRI Healthcare) to develop and trial ‘Intelli…

GP services

6 additional CCGs enabled to use myGP®

iPLATO Healthcare is pleased to announce that they have been awarded a development contract with Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG to add enhanced di…


Is Video Consultation the way forward for General Practice?

I was sat with one of the most tech savvy and IT literate GPs in London, Dr Numa Thebe, enjoying coffee before our presentation to the NHS SBRI panel,…


Supply & Demand in Primary Care

Medical Technologies, improved diagnostic techniques, even better dental care have all advanced life expectancy across the UK (1) and woman…