myGP News

In the press, News

iPLATO finalists for Cervical Cancer Screening Programme award

17th May 2023

iPLATO is delighted to announce that the cervical cancer screening SMS reminder project, in partnership with NHS England (NHSE) and North of England CSU (NECS) has been shortlisted as a finalist for the “Health Inequalities through Digital” category…

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Blog, Health

Are you a carer?

Carers week is the annual National campaign that aims to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the cont…

Blog, Health

What really goes down at a cervical screening?

Cervical cancer is the most common form of cancer in women under 35 with two women in the UK per day dying from the disease. Although these statistics…

Doctor holding a red sickle cell ribbon
Blog, Health

What causes sickle cell?

On the 19th June we supported World Sickle Cell Day, a day in which we encourage those living with sickle cell and empower them to achieve their full…

Total triage
From our CEO

Beyond Total Triage

myGP® is the UK’s largest independent patient facing service. While the overall transaction volume on the platform more than doubled from 12 million t…

Covid19 virus
GP services, Technology

Covid-19 Vaccines in Development

12 May 2020Professor Mike Lewis This is a short paper to give you an update on how science and research are progressing during the Covid-19 pandemic….

Blog, Happiness

Working from home during Covid-19?

About 1.5 million people work from home regularly, and over the past few years with many opting for self-employment, it’s becoming more and more…


The role of myGP in the battle against Covid-19

Today, we are proud that over 1.6 million people trust myGP® to simplify their access to healthcare. Especially at a time of pandemic, it is a hugely…

News, Press Release

The doctor will see you now

NHS GP practices to get welcome boost of virtual GPs through new partnership, as 1 in 4 GPs are forced into isolation. A new strategic partnership bet…

For Practices, Press Release

myGP offers free software to 3,000 GP practices

myGP Buddy allows one step patient messaging and video consultation from within the practice clinical systemmyGP Remote Patient Monitoring allows prac…

For Practices, News

Further updates to Remote Consultation

We announced yesterday some changes to our remote consultation module. We have been working hard and listening to feedback from our customers to make…

Press Release

myGP update in response to Covid-19

iPLATO, the developers of myGP®, have made several upgrades to its Remote Consultation module in a bid to help users meet the needs of patients during…


What is FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) ?

Healthcare organisations and institutions have traditionally set their own conventions for data exchange across the Internet and with each other. This…