Providing patients with the most up-to-date information on COVID-19

India Maycock

Providing patients with the most up-to-date information on COVID-19

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, iPLATO Healthcare has been working closely with a number of CCGs and STPs to deliver a bespoke digital offer via our Engagement Hub. A series of COVID-19 Hub programmes have been initiated across North Central London (NCL), Waltham Forest and East London (WEL), West Essex and Liverpool.

The initiative involves sending text messages on behalf of participating practices on an ad- hoc basis in order to provide patients with the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. Some CCGs have opted to specifically target high risk patients, whilst others have sent a generic message to all their patients. Data has been retrieved via a secure connection to each practice’s clinical system, ensuring that only patients who have consented to receiving SMS are contacted accordingly. Other geographical areas have also explored supplementing SMS with letters, which are targeted at patients with no mobile number registered or in instances where the text message fails to deliver.


iPLATO Healthcare has demonstrated a proven ability to deploy and manage large scale multi-channel communications to targeted audiences, ensuring that campaigns are implemented in a timely and effective manner. Due to the nature of this work, the prompt delivery and coverage of the campaign has been essential to ensure its success. This has been handled through an accelerated consent management process, with 97-100% practice sign-up being achieved across all COVID-19 projects and one STP achieving over 50% practice sign-up within an hour.

This blended, multi-channel approach has enabled us to reach extensive groups of patients and tailor the content that they receive, depending on certain demographics and geographical areas. Utilising text messaging technology has aided a swift means of communication, providing the opportunity for us to update patients in accordance with any changes in national guidance.

All stakeholders have been delighted with the results of this initiative. Reducing the transmission of COVID-19 and keeping the public safe during this uncertain period is crucial in order to limit the spread and reduce the incidence of COVID-19 related mortalities.

To find out more about our Engagement Hub and how we can help provide additional support in the current climate, please contact our Project Delivery team at

Author: Tara Bush, Junior Project Manager

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